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Given the current state of world affairs, I think it’s an important reminder right now about how critical it is, first, to have a clear vision, and, second, to actually be living it. Your vision not only affects your life, it impacts all of humanity.
Imagine the world you want to live in
By my simple definition, a vision is “an image of the world you want to live in”. Currently, our world is at ...
Right off the top, I want to be clear. In general, I do not use the word “work” derogatorily. My view is that there is no distinction between the concepts of “work” and “inspired work”. When what we do in the world is aligned with who we are within, then I perceive them to be the same. However, for the sake of making my point in this post, I will use the individual word “work” here in the disparag...
Your existence serves a very valuable purpose at this tumultuous time on our planet. If you have been wondering how you can make an impact given the rapidly changing economic landscape, then I encourage you to consider the following reasons as to why you would want to discover, create, and live your inspired work.
1. It provides fulfillment, meaning, and satisfaction in your day-to-day life.
When people first reach out to me, they often report feeling “lost” or “stuck at a crossroads” in their journey. They know they can no longer continue with the work they’ve been doing, but they’re not quite sure where to go next. They will ask me, “Where do I even begin?”
My answer is always the same, “You begin with your beliefs.”
No matter who I work with and in what capacity, my first questio...
Stagnation is my personal kryptonite. If you have ever been witness to me getting stuck, whether it’s in the outer world standing on a mountain ledge or if it’s within my own inner being trapped in a cycle of old patterns, you will also likely have seen me have a tragic meltdown. Everything in how I show up as a human is related to making forward movement. So when I get stuck, I’m blocking the nat...
I’m not one for overly manicured landscaping. I tend to prefer my nature on the wilder side. It’s a good thing I’m comfortable with a little disorder because the endeavour of growing the seeds of ideas into a thriving business can be unruly. But given the right conditions, your inspired work can flourish into a splendid garden that provides an endless bounty of fruit.
Your inspired work can flour...
One of the most common doubts I encounter in those I work with is “What if what I have to offer the world is not enough?”
Because folks seek me out in order to discover what work they want to create in the world, their deepest fear is that they will actually discover they have nothing of value to offer. Hidden within the dark recesses of their mind is shame around their own unworthiness, which pa...
When I was young, I received some “bad advice” from Corey Hart. I don’t know how global his musical reach is, but if you don’t know who he is, Corey Hart is a Canadian singer-songwriter whose hit singles topped the charts way back in the early 80s. My mom, bless her, indulged my young teenage fandom and accompanied me to several of his concerts. Now that I’m an adult, I don’t know how she managed ...
Last month, it was my turn to experience the coronavirus for the first time (and hopefully the last). It was brutal. I understand the experience is different for each person, however, for myself, I had every one of the potential symptoms. Every single one. The worst, though, was the headache pain. It was like a vice grip being slowly tightened around the circumference of my head. The pressure was ...
Years ago, before I started this business, I was standing at a significant crossroads in my own work journey. I had been operating another business, which by external measures was deemed “successful”, however, it had come to the point where the work I was doing had lost all meaning to me and was devoid of any satisfaction or fulfillment. I knew I could no longer tolerate staying on the same path, ...
In Canada, where I live, this past Monday was the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. It is marked as a day to acknowledge the harm perpetrated against the indigenous peoples of our nation and to honour the survivors. The intent is to begin the healing process from our painful history.
I don’t pretend to know the extent of suffering of those who endured the oppression at the hands of those...
I get bored easily. The thought of reading a book I’ve already read or watching a movie I’ve already seen is off-putting to me. It means I’ve missed out on the opportunity to have a new experience. I don’t even like cooking the same meal twice.
This is because one of my core values is adventure. I am internally driven to have new experiences. It doesn’t even matter if the experience is so-called ...
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